Scribal Point
Welcome to Scribal Point!
In the SCA, we have a tradition of recognizing participants and volunteers by granting them awards in the form of a unique scroll crafted especially for that recipient. This is usually presented by a herald during royal court in front of the King and Queen, who lend kind and jesting words lending to the awesome things they have done!
We meet the first Sunday of the month from 1-4pm. If you plan to come or want more information, please either message Gillian on FaceBook or email her at:
Meet the Scribes!
Mistress Finnguala Inghean Alister
Matriarch Gillian
Jessica of Osprey
Lord Sven Njordson
THL Teda of Grandin
Mistress Teamhair Glean de Locha
Lady Matilda Pettigrew
Lord Rhys i Bretlandi
Digital Scribal Design, Layout, and Calligraphy with Procreate - Lady Gracia Abrabanel from An Tir Scriptorium Zoom Class 2024- Passcode: cT&eZ9C4
St. George's Tournament Scroll Language
That it is Beautie which maintains the world of Valour. The ladies of the gallery have revelled in the artistry of the Helmschau. We find xxxxx xxxxx to have created the finest helm of this St. Georges Tourney on this xx day of xxxxx, AS LVIII.
The soldier's art is practiced upon the perilous field of combat. Steadfast and true isthe warrior that displays puissant martial skill in the arena of combat. Victorious this day, we are pleased to proclaim xxxxxx xxxxxx as Baron's Champion this xx day of xxxxx, AS LIII.
With shining blade clasped expertly in hand, xxxxx xxxxx has displayed deft skill and adroit prowess in the art of defense. We are minded to name them the Baroness' Blade this xx day of xxxxx, AS LVIII.
Worthy are those among us that share their skills of word and song, dramaturgy and stagecraft, and all embodiment of entertainment, with this conviction, we hereby name xxxxx xxxxx as the Bard of the Crossroads. Done this xx day of xxxxx, AS LVIII.
The virtues of chivalry are accomplished upon the backs of mighty steeds, hurtling ever forward into the fray. Thus do we, the coronets of An Crosaire, recognize xxxxx xxxxx as the victorious Mount at St. George's fair, this xx day of xxxxx, AS LVIII.
Since times long past, noble warriors have engaged in mounted combat displaying virtue upon the field showing deftness of Lance while upon a noble steed. We hereby recognize xxxxx xxxxx as Champion of the Baston Courses on this xx day of xxxxx, AS LVIII.
Outstanding expertise in the ancient contest of bocce is duly worthy of recognition. Joining the ranks of such notables as Emperor Augustus, Hippocrates, and Galileo, engaging o'er stone and sand, grass, gravel, xxxxx xxxxx has emerged victorious in the xxth annual Borgia Memorial Bocce tournament this xx day of xxxxx AS LVIII.
In dreaming of our past, we often look to our future. Our youth are shining examples of courtesy and chivalry. Our young warriors display these honorable attributes in noble combat. We find these traits in xxxxx xxxxx and hereby name them the Baroness' Heart, done this xx day of xxxxx, AS LVIII.