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Start with the Basics

New to the SCA? Please contact our Chatelaine at

Newcomers, if you need to borrow some medieval clothing, check here to see what takes your fancy and contact our Chatelaine. Clothing closet inventory.

What is the SCA?

The Society for Creative Anachronism, or SCA, is a legally chartered, 501c3 non-profit society whose aims are:

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an inclusive community pursuing research and re-creation of pre-seventeenth century skills, arts, combat and culture. The lives of participants are enriched as we gain knowledge of history through activities, demonstrations, and events.

The SCA defines its scope as pre-17th century, meaning that individuals recreate all historical periods up to the year 1600 AD. In the SCA most of the world can be a source for personal inspiration, research and reenactment. Many members focus on the Middle East or Far East, though the core of the SCA focuses on Western Europe.

One of the things that makes the SCA different from Renaissance Faires is that the SCA is a participatory organization - there is no "audience" and no "performers".  Everyone who attends an SCA event becomes both "performer" and "audience" by participating in the activities around them.   In the SCA you can learn to dance period dances, do calligraphy and illumination, make and fight in armor, sew period clothing, cook period dishes and do pretty much anything else that was done in middle ages and renaissance periods.  What makes the SCA different from a Medieval History Class or Humanities 101 Class is that instead of just reading books about things, you actually do them!

Some History of the SCA...

The SCA began in Berkeley, California in 1966 and has grown to become an organization with an estimated 100,000 participants with groups located all around the globe!  Every country that hosts a local SCA group is considered to be part of the "Known World".  The SCA divides the Known World into 20 kingdoms, each ruled over by a King and Queen and a staff of Kingdom Officers.

The Kingdom of Trimaris ( )  is the SCA Kingdom comprised of the majority of the state of Florida (excluding the Florida Panhandle) and Panama. Local groups are located all over the state of Florida.

The Society webpage can be found here: and has all manner of information that can be helpful to newcomers.